AutoLocation 1.0
Quickly find your current address ongooglemaps and navigate from there.
Clock 1.0
Beautiful and simple run-time ClockincludesStopwatch and Alaram for Android Phones.External Usage: MIT open source licensing with Thunkable: Images and Icons from Extensions from Puravida: Java opensource licensing
AI for Microsoft Face Analysis 4.0
Why you might want to use this App? Artificial intelligence maybethe technology that shapes our world more than any other overthenext 50 years. From medical diagnostics to self driving cars,theability for machines to mimic and potentially surpass some ofthecomplex tasks that humans can perform is both extremelyexcitingand terrifying. The Microsoft Image Recognizer componentputs thepower of one of the most powerful artificial intelligencetoolscurrently available--the Microsoft Computer Vision API--in thepalmof your hand and the hands of your users. Select any pictureyou’vealready taken or take a new one and you’ll get back a onesentencedescription of the image and a list of description tags.TheMicrosoft Computer Vision API learns its image descriptionsbytraining over millions (if not billions) of photos andwillcontinue to improve as it trains on more data. Important: Youcanonly select images that have a single person in it to get aresult.Previous Releases v2 + Core release + Developed usingMicrosoft APIfor Android Phones.